
27 04, 2019

Budget Bangs for Your Buck

By |2019-04-27T17:32:53+00:00April 27th, 2019|Buyers|

Putting money into the curb appeal of your home has a decidedly less glamorous feel than the idea of redoing your bathroom or kitchen. It’s much harder to care about picking out drought resistance ground cover than it is to [...]

16 04, 2019

Budget Busters

By |2021-11-17T22:28:09+00:00April 16th, 2019|Buyers|

Ever experience sticker shock in a store? You are just browsing with a sweating Starbucks cup, maybe to get out of the heat for a bit and you see something that looks interesting and reasonable and maybe you know people [...]

16 09, 2018

Where to Save on Home Improvement

By |2018-09-16T14:16:27+00:00September 16th, 2018|What's New|

  Blame it on Fixer Upper (a licensed and experienced contractor, mind you), but just because they make it look easy on TV, doesn’t mean it’s easy in real life. Cutting corners or trying to DIY projects for home improvement [...]

22 07, 2018

Road Map to Renovation

By |2018-07-22T01:30:29+00:00July 22nd, 2018|Buyers, Sellers|

  Knowing you want to renovate is often the easiest step of the home improvement process. Deciding what to renovate, where to spend your money, and whether or not to do it yourself are more complex parts of the process. Here [...]

20 06, 2018

Healthy Gutters, Healthy Home

By |2018-06-20T14:50:35+00:00June 20th, 2018|What's New|

  Gutters are the teeth of the house. When they start to go, everything else does to. (Or is it the feet?) Whatever the terrible analogy, healthy gutters are key to keeping your home healthy. They are designed to keep your home free from water damage. When they start to [...]

15 06, 2018

The Countertop Crossroads

By |2018-06-15T18:52:26+00:00June 15th, 2018|Buyers, What's New|

  You’re done. Done “decorating” with a carefully positioned pot-holder or vase. Done apologizing for your mauve countertop circa The Golden Girls. You just want your scratched, gouged, burnt, or simply hideous countertop to be new. Unfortunately, your budget has other ideas. Don’t lose hope just [...]

1 12, 2017


By |2017-12-01T13:09:53+00:00December 1st, 2017|Neighborhood|

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Cotswold is the nice guy of Charlotte’s neighborhoods. It was developed around the shopping center after the same name, a hybrid mall that opened in 1963, and borders some of the best neighborhoods and schools. Cotswold will always help you [...]